Don’t accept the status quo
As someone who has always been keen to maintain a base level of fitness, I have enjoyed running. I have never been a superstar and consider myself to be Mr average. Whilst I am not particularly fast, I have always been able to keep plodding.
Learn something new
Having found Triathlon only 3 years ago as a complete novice, I soon learned that there was a lot more to running. Especially running after a bike ride. In training terms, you need to do ‘brick’ sessions to improve this ability. They involve going for a bike ride immediately followed by a run. The training effects stop your legs from feeling like lead when you ‘run off the bike’.
Embed new habits
Knowing that I had to get better at running off the bike, I looked for ways to improve. Much of this was about losing weight and maintaining that. The rest was learning to vary the pace and distance during training sessions. Then there was just getting into the habit of finishing a bike ride and running; a psychological challenge!
Just get started
I hope in this blog to draw on my experiences as a rudimentary runner attempting to improve my performance. With any luck, what I learn might be of some benefit to others looking to take up running for the first time. Perhaps you have ambitions to achieve a goal that you previously thought might be outside of your reach? Taking that first step you never know where it will take you.